Contact Details
- 01962 853179
St. Catherine's Road, Winchester, SO23 0PS
All Saints
Church of England
Primary School
The School's values seek to underpin the Christian belief that we are all God's people and that we all matter. We welcome children and families of different faiths and no faith to our community and aim to promote a deep awareness, understanding and appreciation of the diversity of our local, national and global communities; and ensure our curriculum and resources reflect the lived experiences and heritage of our pupils.
We are proud of our close links to All Saints Church and enjoy collective worships with Reverend Chris each week and visiting the Church for services and as part of our RE lessons.
As part of our Church of England status, we undergo Statutory Inspection of Anglican and Methodist Schools (SIAMs) Inspections every five years. The inspection focuses on the impact of the Church school's Christian vision on pupils and adults. This involves looking at the school’s Christian vision, the provision the school makes because of this vision and how effective this provision is in enabling all pupils to flourish.
Please read the school's latest SIAMS inspection report from March 2019.
Collective Worship
As a Church of England school, our worship reflects some of the rich traditions of Anglican prayer and worship. When planning worship it is necessary for us to include aspects of this tradition so that pupils’ growing maturity contributes to a broadening and deepening of their spiritual experience and understanding.
Collective worship is an integral part of the life of our school community. In providing a daily act of worship we are conforming with the law and our trust deed. In the first place Collective Worship gives expression to and the opportunity to reflect on certain values and experiences. These values and experiences are a way of demonstrating Christian spirituality. These are: wonder and awe; joy; paying attention and listening; humility; interiority and stillness; silence; trust; selflessness; peace and harmony with others; communion with God and others; perseverance; healing and wholeness; gratefulness; kindness, compassion and empathy for others and the experience of God’s unconditional love for each person.
Collective Worship happens daily in a number of ways. We come together as a whole school and in Key Stage groups and classes. There is always time to reflect and pray – to be still and have time to think. Children take an active part in our Collective Worship, either by writing and sharing prayers, acting out Bible stories or contributing through music and song. Collective Worship themes for a half term or term, the weekly focus and the music we will listen to are always shared with the school community and we ask ‘big questions’ each week to help us reflect and think about ourselves, others, the beauty around us and the beyond – the more transient questions that give rise to discussion and exploration. We ensure our Collective Worships are inclusive and focus on our values of Love, Hope, Community. Children are invited to pray if they choose to and there are plenty of opportunities to share and join in appropriate to children's understanding and own beliefs.
We are always more than happy to have visitors to our Collective Worship to join with us during this special and important time in the week where we come together.
St. Catherine's Road, Winchester, SO23 0PS