Contact Details
- 01962 853179
St. Catherine's Road, Winchester, SO23 0PS
All Saints
Church of England
Primary School
Mrs Jane Hall Headteacher & Designated Safeguarding Lead (SLT)
Mrs Janet Ellison Assistant HT & KS2 Lead, Y6 Teacher, DDSL (SLT)
Mrs Clare Darling-Chalke Inclusion Lead (SENDCo) & DDSL (SLT)
Mrs Lucy Webb EYFS & Key Stage 1 Lead, Year R Teacher
Mrs Claire Pearson Year 1 Teacher
Miss Emily Houghton Year 1 Teacher
Mrs Sharon Gray Year 2 Teacher
Mr Dan Boorman Year 3 Teacher
Miss Olivia Hamilton Year 4 Teacher
Mrs Nicky White Year 5 Teacher (maternity cover)
Mrs Anne Silvester PPA Cover/Reading support
Mrs Anna Cooper PPA Cover
Mrs Rachel Leslie Wellbeing Lead/Pastoral Support
Mr Paul Armstrong Part-time Peripatetic Music Teacher
Mrs Lally Hodan Senior Administrative Officer
Mrs Donna Naylor Administrative Assistant
Mrs Debbi Sinclair Administrative Assistant
Mrs Claire Sherman LSA
Mrs Jane Spencer LSA
Mrs Rachel White LSA
Mrs Pam Roebuck LSA
Mrs Rachel Pearce LSA
Mr Thomas Bert LSA
Mrs Adrienne Rodda LSA
Mr Jarrett Hubbard LSA
Mrs Helen Smith LSA
Mrs Gemma Davidson LSA
Mrs Donna Naylor Senior Lunchtime Assistant/Club leader
Miss Alice Woodcock Lunchtime Assistant
Mrs Georgina Andrews Lunchtime Assistant
Before and After School Clubs
Mrs Donna Naylor Club Group Leader
Miss Alice Woodcock Club Assistant
Mrs Georgina Andrews Club Assistant
Site Staff
Mr Steven Shuttle
Mr Keith Edwards
Mrs Karen Bell
Mr Brian Ford
St. Catherine's Road, Winchester, SO23 0PS