Contact Details
- 01962 853179
St. Catherine's Road, Winchester, SO23 0PS
All Saints
Church of England
Primary School
Our PSHE education, including statutory Relationships and Health education, and non-statutory sex education, as recommended by the DfE, provides a framework though which key skills, attributes and knowledge are developed and applied. This promotes positive behaviour, good mental health and wellbeing, resilience and achievement, helping our children to stay safe online, develop healthy and safe relationships, making sense of media messages, challenging extreme views and having the skills and attributes to negotiate and assert themselves now and in the future. We use the SCARF Scheme of work to support our delivery which divides the year into 6 themed units. PSHE is taught weekly whilst also being an integral part of our ongoing Safeguarding curriculum.
All Saint's PSHE provision supports our aims of developing confident citizens and successful learners who are creative, resourceful and able to identify and solve problems. The social and emotional development of pupils is embedded throughout the entire school’s curriculum and culture. The school has a powerful combination of a planned thematic PSHE program, built around a spiral curriculum of recurring themes, designed to:
We know there is a proven link between pupils' health and wellbeing, and their academic progress. Crucial skills and positive attitudes developed through comprehensive Personal, Social, Health and Economic education are critical to ensuring children are effective learners.
Assessment is completed by the class teacher using the SCARF Summative Assessment ‘I can…’ statements, alongside the lesson plan learning outcomes to demonstrate progression of both skills and knowledge.
St. Catherine's Road, Winchester, SO23 0PS