Contact Details
- 01962 853179
St. Catherine's Road, Winchester, SO23 0PS
All Saints
Church of England
Primary School
Every child has the right to be protected
It is everyone’s responsibility to protect children
Designated Safeguarding
& Prevent Lead: Jane Hall
Designated Safeguarding Leads: Janet Ellison, Clare Darling-Chalke
Safeguarding Governor: Becca Higham
Our highest priority at All Saints Church of England Primary School is to safeguard and promote the welfare of our children. We expect all staff, visitors and volunteers to share, uphold and respect this commitment.
All Saints Church of England Primary School is committed to providing a safe and secure environment where pupils flourish. Under our Christian values of Love, Hope and Community, we recognise that Safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children is everyone’s responsibility.
We recognise our moral and statutory duty to safeguard and promote the welfare of all children and understand that all children need protection at all times from anything or anyone that may cause them harm. We work together following our Safeguarding Policy and Child Protection Policy to ensure we achieve this.
St. Catherine's Road, Winchester, SO23 0PS