Contact Details
- 01962 853179
St. Catherine's Road, Winchester, SO23 0PS
All Saints
Church of England
Primary School
We have a pre-loved uniform shop run by our dedicated PTA which is sells at key times through the year. Items however are available at any time, so please contact the school office and we will be delighted to help.
All Saints Uniform Policy
A high standard of personal appearance is expected in terms of every child wearing the correct school uniform. A suggested list of appropriate school wear is listed below. The All Saints Logo sweatshirts, polo shirts, book bags, P.E. bags and sunhats are available to order from:
Our PTA also regularly hold pre-loved uniform sales throughout the year to support parents/carers in purchasing uniform and helping us all to recycle.
All Saints sweatshirt / cardigan (red)
All Saints polo shirt (white)
White blouse / shirt
Black / Grey skirt or trousers
Black winter shoes with secure fittings
Summer dress – red white check
Secure fitting summer sandals with socks
Sensible, black, flat shoes should be worn to school.
White t-shirt
Black PE shorts / joggers / leggings
Suitable robust training shoes with grips for all outside games.
Lightweight pumps are only suitable for inside PE, although children may go barefoot for some P.E. sessions in the Hall.
Dance sessions may require lightweight plimsolls/pumps.
PE kit bag - named
It is important that pupils learn to be prepared and well-equipped to carry out any activity with the correct and safe P.E. kit. The sharing or borrowing of kit between pupils is not allowed.
Pupils who regularly have no P.E. kit will receive a letter. P.E. is an essential and legal requirement of the National Curriculum. If you have difficulty providing your child with the essential items of clothing or footwear for school, a limited amount of financial assistance may be available depending on your income. For details, please enquire at the School Office.
We ask that all items of clothing are clearly marked. Thank you for your assistance in this.
Lost Property
Any clothing found with names on will be returned to pupils. It is the responsibility of children to look after their uniform, kit and their belongings. Any property that is not clearly labelled with the pupil's name and is not claimed will eventually be donated to the pre-loved uniform shop.
Items of value should not be brought to school in case of loss or damage. This includes jewellery, technology and toys. The school cannot be responsible for personal property, although every care is taken to ensure it is looked after, especially where children are asked to bring in items as part of a project.
Only small studs are permitted to be worn in school.
The wearing of earrings is not allowed during PE/games, on the grounds of safety (HCC Policy). If earrings cannot be removed they must be taped over for the duration of the lesson. Parents should provide tape, thank you.
See Hampshire County Council Guidance here:
'All jewellery and other personal effects such as watches, necklaces etc must be removed for physical education and related activities. With young children, parents should be asked to remove earrings and studs from children's ears before they come to school each day, until such time as their child is able to remove these adornments themselves prior to a PE Lesson. It is the responsibility of parents to train their children to take out and to put in studs and sleepers. Such training will support the policy of the school and enable teachers to ensure that pupils are appropriately dressed for PE activity.'
Children are not permitted to wear nail varnish to school. Thank you for your support in this.
St. Catherine's Road, Winchester, SO23 0PS