Contact Details
- 01962 853179
St. Catherine's Road, Winchester, SO23 0PS
All Saints
Church of England
Primary School
The information below sets out the provision for pupils with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities at All Saints Church of England Primary School. It gives guidance and contact details at both school and county level should you need further information.
The School Inclusion Lead and SENDCo is Clare Darling-Chalke. Please contact the School Office to speak to Mrs Darling-Chalke or arrange a meeting.
SEND Padlet
Below is our SEND Padlet. This is where parents and carers can find links and documents to help support children with additional needs.
SEND Newsletters
Our SENDCO, Mrs Darling-Chalke sends out a half-termly newsletter. We hope everyone in our school community finds this information useful.
St. Catherine's Road, Winchester, SO23 0PS