Contact Details
- 01962 853179
St. Catherine's Road, Winchester, SO23 0PS
All Saints
Church of England
Primary School
National Curriculum Aims/Subject Rationale (Intent) Mathematics is given integrity and taught systematically through EYFS and key stage 1 & 2. The National Curriculum aims are reflected in our unit planning. We use the Early Years Foundation Stage to teach mathematics in Year R and provide continuous opportunities for exploration and consolidation. We aim to ensure that all pupils:
We encourage children to make links between different aspects of maths and to link maths learning to real life and other curriculum subjects (such as science, geography). Children are encouraged to become mathematicians who can reason - they need to be able to explain their mathematical thinking alongside recalling mathematical facts in different contexts to make links. |
Implementation Our curriculum is designed in order to:
Daily lessons encourage children to consider what they notice and what they wonder about mathematics in order to develop a sense of curiosity about the subject and so make links between different aspects of their learning. Lessons ensure variation and pitch for all learners (including SEN, EAL, PP and those working at GDS). This is achieved in a variety of ways including targeted group inputs, resources to support, levels of challenge (child’s choice with guidance from teacher). This is detailed on teacher’s planning. A CPA (concrete, pictorial and abstract approach) is adopted in line with the needs of children’s next steps. Models & images are used to help understanding of mathematical concepts – number lines, Numicon, equipment, real life equipment/images.. 'Maths Learning Walls' are used in all classrooms and provide key vocabulary and guides. Pre-teaching supports the overlearning of key concepts for identified pupils and appropriate challenge is built into every lesson. Times tables are explicitly taught and then children are given the opportunity to practise their knowledge and understanding. |
We aim for all children at All Saints to develop a secure understanding of mathematical concepts, vocabulary, strategies and skills in order that they are able to apply their knowledge to a range of situations, notice patterns and ask their own questions. Formative assessments are made in each lesson alongside our summative Hampshire Phase assessments at key points in the year. We report termly to parents as well as providing next steps targets.
St. Catherine's Road, Winchester, SO23 0PS