Contact Details
- 01962 853179
St. Catherine's Road, Winchester, SO23 0PS
All Saints
Church of England
Primary School
Welcome from the Chairman of Governors
Welcome to the All Saints Governors page, we hope that you find it useful to find out more about who we are, and what we do. If want to know more about us as individuals, do scroll down to the introductions below.
As volunteers who enthusiastically give up our time, we are incredibly proud to be able to support and help our fantastic school, and in particular our excellent Head teacher, Jane. We are committed to supporting the school live its core values of Love, Hope and Community and are always keen to engage with the local community; if you feel you could help in some way, please feel free to approach any of us.
Together we can all make this not only a brilliant school, but also a wonderful community.
Alistair Duncan
Chairman of Governors
All Saints C of E Primary School’s Governing Body works as a team with the Headteacher and school staff to help provide a happy, safe and thriving learning environment and an excellent education for the children at our school.
The Governing Body is a corporate and legal body responsible for the conduct of the school. This includes:
The Full Governing Body (FGB) meets twice each term to look at the progress of the school and to discuss plans for improvement (using the School Improvement Plan). Every year the FGB has training on a relevant subject or need. Individual members also attend courses throughout the year to support their roles and responsibilities.
There are two committees made up of Governors that also meet six times a year:
Current Governors
Chair: Alistair Duncan
Vice Chair: Reverend Mike Griffiths
Headteacher: Jane Hall
Samantha Cairns (Foundation Governor)
Elizabeth Bull (Co-opted)
Matthew Davis (Co-opted)
Claire Pearson (Staff Governor)
Jennifer Plummer (Parent Governor)
Alan Collier (Co-opted)
Becca Higham (Co-opted)
Iain Tait (Local Authority)
Clerk to Governing Body
Helen Walton
About our Governors
Alistair Duncan
I have been a parent governor at All Saints since September 2017, and took up the role of Chair in September 2019. I have lived in Highcliffe since 2012 and I had two daughters through the school. I work as the Second Master at The Pilgrims’ School here in Winchester, which is the choir school for the Cathedral. I believe strongly in the importance of community links, and see being a governor as a way to ‘give back’, both to the local community which we love so much, but also the school, which has done a terrific job with our girls. All Saints is a happy and productive school; I am delighted to support it in whatever way I can.
Mike Griffiths
I have been a governor at All Saints Primary school since July 2018 when I was licensed at the Vicar here in Highcliffe. I play an active role in the life of the school and help out whenever I can. I love working with the children in our weekly Collective Worship sessions and enjoy the opportunities to help out in the classrooms when possible. I also enjoy being able to join with school trips when possible. I take my responsibility to offer pastoral support to the whole school (staff and pupils) seriously and see this as a key part of my role as governor
Sam Cairns
I am a member of All Saints Church and have lived in Highcliffe since 2013. I have worked in the arts and heritage sector for 20 years including in education roles at Imperial War Museums and the Wellcome Trust. Currently I run my own company helping to run arts and heritage education projects. I am also a member of the Arts Council England Artsmark assessment Panel and a National Lottery Heritage Fund mentor.
Matthew Davis
I've been a governor at All Saints for just over a year after moving to Highcliffe in summer 2018 with my family. I have a daughter currently at the school and a son who completed Year 6 and is now in secondary school. I joined the governing body because I'm a firm believer in the power of a good education and wanted to do my bit to help support the school community. I've worked as a journalist for BBC News for many years, as a reporter, producer and editor for online, TV and radio.
Jennifer Plummer
I have two boys at All Saints school and became a parent governor at the end of 2019. I work as a corporate tax advisor for an accountancy firm and use my financial skills to help the school. I also volunteer for EBP South, helping schools build links with business and young people learn more about jobs and careers.
Becca Higham
I joined the All Saints Governing Body in September 2022 as a co-opted Governor with specific responsibility for safeguarding. I am currently the Deputy Head (Academic) at The Pilgrims’ School, which is just down the road, and the choir school for the Cathedral. I have a degree from Cardiff University in Music and Education, completed my PGCE just up the road at the University of Winchester and recently completed a Masters in Educational Leadership at the University of Buckingham. I am passionate about all children having the opportunity to thrive in their school environment and am particularly keen that children develop a love of reading. I am really looking forward to getting to know the All Saints Community and am keen to support in any possible way.
Claire Pearson
I am the staff governor at All Saints and a class teacher in the school. I have worked at All Saints since September 2013, teaching in Year 1, Year 2 and Year 4. My experience of working with different year groups has given me a thorough overview of the school, as well as of how the children develop as they progress through All Saints. I began my role as the staff governor in September 2021 and I am enjoying representing the staff on the governing body and helping to contribute towards the school’s development.
Ian Tait
I’ve been a governor at All Saints since 2022 having previously been a governor at another local school Winchester for 21 years. I was also a local councillor for 19 years so feel I know this area and its residents well.
My mother was an English teacher at Kings School and was passionate about education and ensuring that everyone had the best opportunity to make the most of their schooling which encouraged me to become a governor.
I have a background in banking and local government and work as a property and business consultant. I have always lived in Winchester and went to Western School, the Westgate, Peter Symonds and finally to Portsmouth Poly.
Alan Collier
I've lived in Highcliffe with my wife since 2015 and I'm proud to be part of this warm and vibrant community. I have a child at the school and I see the governing body as a useful way for me to support the school.
Elizabeth Bull
I have lived in the local area and attended All Saints Church since 2022. I have two daughters currently at the school. I am a lawyer, currently managing the Governance Team in the Legal Division at the Financial Conduct Authority. I have previously served at a governor at a primary school in inner city London. I love the local community and enjoy using my skills to support the school.
Governor Roles
In addition to being part of a committee, most governors also have a specific role or responsibility
Role / Responsibility Governor
Vice-Chair of Governors Mike Griffiths
Curriculum Committee Sam Cairns
Matt Davis
Elizabeth Bull
Mike Griffiths (Chair)
Becca Higham
Claire Pearson
Jane Hall
Resources Committee Alan Collier
Jane Hall
Iain Tait
Jenni Plummer
Alistair Duncan
Sam Cairns (Chair)
Health & Safety Alan Collier
Safeguarding/Child Protection Becca Higham
Inclusion/Pupil Premium Mike Griffiths
Special Educational Needs Mike Griffiths
Mental Health & Wellbeing / Mike Griffiths
Behaviour & Personal Development Elizabeth Bull
Training and Development Becca Higham
Website Iain Tait
Pay Committee Mike Griffiths
Alan Collier
Sam Cairns
HT Performance Management Matt Davis
Becca Higham
Mike Griffiths
Safer Recruitment Mike Griffiths
Alistair Duncan
Becca Higham
Jane Hall
Name | Position | Appointed by | Term From | Term To |
Jane Hall | Headteacher | Ex-officio by virtue of office as Headteacher | 16/09/2021 | 15/09/2025 |
Alan Collier | Co-Opted Governor | Governing Body | 20/01/2022 | 19/01/2026 |
Mike Griffiths | Foundation Governor | Governing Body | 18/07/2022 | 17/07/2026 |
Sam Cairns | Foundation Governor | Foundation Trust | 01/05/2021 | 30/05/2025 |
Matthew Davis | Co-opted Governor | Governing Body | 12/12/2022 | 11/12/2026 |
Alistair Duncan | Chair | Governing Body | 04/09/2019 | 10/10/2025 |
Jenni Plummer | Parent Governor | Parents | 10/12/2019 | 09/12/2023 |
Elizabeth Bull | Co-opted Governor | Governing Body | 28/06/2023 | 28/06/2025 |
Iain Tait | LA Governor | Governing Body | 14/09/2022 | 13/09/2026 |
Claire Pearson | Staff Governor | School Staff | 01/09/2021 | 31/08/2025 |
Becca Higham | Co-opted Governor | Governing Body | 14/09/2022 | 13/09/2026 |
St. Catherine's Road, Winchester, SO23 0PS