Contact Details
- 01962 853179
St. Catherine's Road, Winchester, SO23 0PS
All Saints
Church of England
Primary School
Starting a new school, whether it be in Year R or at another point in your child's education, can be both an exciting and daunting time. We are here to make the transition into school as smooth for your child as possible.
We welcome visits to the school and are happy to give you and your child a tour. For our new Year R children, we provided a comprehensive transition into school. This includes a presentation by staff for parents/carers, to share key information and a chance to ask questions, Stay and Play sessions in the Summer Term, a teddy bear's picnic and home visits (if you sign up) to chat to you and your child in their most familiar surroundings.
We also carry out transition work with your child's current setting. We work hard to make the school feel a safe and familiar environment for your child as they join us, no matter their age, and our children are welcoming and supportive to new comers.
St. Catherine's Road, Winchester, SO23 0PS